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Resolution for the 2001-2002 season.
Resolved: The Federal Government should establish a foreign policy signficantly limiting the use of weapons of mass destruction.

  Debate Camp
The South Fremont Debate squad will be hosting a summer debate institute for entering freshmen over the summer of 2001.

All you future debaters;

Learn how to transform your lives from meaningless atheltics, video games, T.V., and food into a purpose which serves your ultimate self actualization within the South Fremont Debate Squad.
  Topic Analysis of 2001-2002 What constitutes a weapon? A weapon can be defined in many senses, Webster’s Dictionary defines it as, “a tool of offensive, or defensive combat.” The question which will arise in many of the rounds, and should be considered by the non-ordinary and mundane debater, is what truly constitutes a weapon. Could it be an airplane? 747’s kill hundreds each year. An interesting question.

A weapon of mass destruction?
  An interesting trend: The divide between Policy and Lincoln Douglas, ever prominent, has begun, over the last few resolutions, to lose its fortitude. The 1999-2000 “privacy” issue incorporated many of the philosophical ideals of Lincoln Douglas. Next years “weapons of mass destruction” issue again incorporates the struggle between the autonomy and sovereignty of the state against the wellbeing of the world. It asks, in essence, for the Debaters to defend or contend in negation that Deterrence, using a threat to protect, is moral and just. Are we seeing a new and better trend towards intuitively debatable topics?


Warning written by an L.D.er